It's easy to eat a hearty meal and not ever think about what happens to the food after you've chewed each mouthful and swallowed it all up. So what DOES happen to the food we eat?
After the masticated food reaches our stomachs, the food has to broken down into even tinier pieces before it can travel through the rest of our bodies and eventually provide our bodies with life-giving sustenance through our bloodstreams. The process is complex and proper processing of the food requires that we have the proper enzymes in our digestive system to break down these food particles. Our bodies cannot always do it alone, especially when a lot of the food we take in already has lost a lot of valuable nutrients before it even gets to our kitchens and dining tables.
Each time we cook food we destroy enzymes naturally present to help assimilate the nutrients. At birth we are given a finite amount of enzymes for a lifetime. When we do not help the body by supplementing with a high quality enzyme complex, our body steals enzymes from important functions and uses them as digestive support. This compensation over time speeds up aging, can create allergic reactions, and is often a cause of inflammation.
Your body can NOT use the nutrients in the food you eat until they are chemically unlocked and absorbed into your system. The proper combination of enzymes is what holds the key! Enzymes are proteins that trigger activity in the cells of the body. They are present in all living cells and control the metabolic processes whereby nutrients are converted into energy and fresh cell material. Enzymes also take part in the breakdown of food materials into simpler compounds.
Dr. Edward Howell, who has written two books
on enzymes, theorizes that humans are given a limited supply of enzyme energy at birth, and that it is up to us to replenish our supply of enzymes to ensure that their vital jobs get done. If we don’t replenish our supply, we run the risk of ill health.
In the enzyme nutrition axiom
, Howell postulates that "The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential."
In other words, the more enzymes you get, the longer and healthier you live.
The key is to remember that food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118 °F. This means that cooked and processed foods contain few, if any, enzymes, and that the typical diet found in industrialized countries is enzyme-deficient. When we eat cooked and processed foods, we could well be eating for a shorter and less-than-healthy life.
This points back to the importance of eating raw fruits and vegetables because they are "live foods"; that is, foods in which the enzymes are active. The more enzymes you get, the healthier you are. And the more raw foods you eat, the more enzymes you get.
To supplement the amount of enzymes we get from the foods we eat, there are numerous products that are effective for that purpose. One highly recommended product is one called Assimilator, a product sold exclusively by Xooma Worldwide.
Assimilator is a potent combination of natural plant enzymes in a proprietary formulation with essential ionic trace minerals. This formula helps digest processed and cooked foods. Assimilator is designed to promote the healthy oxygen-carrying ability of red blood cells enabling better nutrient utilization, energy production, optimal cellular health and immune system competence.
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